Exploring Belize: The Jewel of Central America

An Overview

Nestled in Central America and bordered by the mesmerizing Caribbean Sea to the east, Belize finds itself in a unique geographical location, sharing land boundaries with Guatemala and Mexico. This enchanting country, covering an area of approximately 22,966 sq km, offers an intricate blend of breathtaking landscapes, rich natural resources, and a diverse cultural heritage. With its land primarily consisting of a flat, swampy coastal plain and low mountains in the south, Belize presents an intriguing case of environmental and geographical diversity.

Geographical Features and Climate

The terrain of Belize is predominantly flat along its coastal plain, transitioning to low mountains in the south. This unique topography gives rise to a range of ecosystems that are home to diverse flora and fauna. The country’s coastline stretches over 386 km, presenting stunning beaches and a vibrant marine life. Belize is also home to Doyle’s Delight, the highest elevation point at 1,124 m above sea level, offering breathtaking views and adventurous treks for the intrepid explorer.

Belize enjoys a tropical climate characterized by a hot and humid atmosphere, with a distinct rainy season from May to November and a dry season extending from February to May. This climate supports a vast array of agricultural activities and a biodiversity that is rich and largely unexplored.

Natural Resources and Land Use

Belize’s natural resources are a cornerstone of its economy and environmental pride. With potential arable land, abundant timber, rich fish stocks, and hydropower capabilities, the country has much to offer both its residents and the international community. Approximately 6.90% of the land is dedicated to agriculture, while forest land constitutes about 60.60% of the national territory, underlining Belize’s commitment to preserving its natural environment.

Agriculture and Industry

The backbone of the Belizean economy has traditionally been agriculture, with major products including bananas, cacao, citrus fruits, sugar, and seafood such as fish and cultured shrimp. In recent years, other industries such as garment production, food processing, tourism, and construction have begun to thrive, contributing significantly to the nation’s GDP.

Population and Urbanization

As of July 2020, Belize boasted a population of approximately 399,598 people, with an urbanization rate of 46%. A notable portion of the population resides in Belize City, the country’s largest city and former capital. However, more than half of Belizeans live in rural areas, reflecting a lifestyle deeply connected to the country’s natural resources and agricultural bases.

The official language of Belize is English, making it unique among its Spanish-speaking neighbors and easing the way for international tourists and investors. Belizeans take pride in their nationality and cultural heritage, which is a rich tapestry of indigenous, European, African, and Asian influences.

Economy and Global Trade

Belize’s economy is diversified across several sectors, with significant contributions from agriculture, tourism, and exports. Major export products include sugar, bananas, citrus, clothing, and fish products, with the United Kingdom, the United States, and Jamaica being key trade partners. Imports are centered around machinery, manufactured goods, fuels, and food products, predominantly from the United States, China, and Mexico.

The nation’s GDP per capita stood at $8,300 in 2017, indicating a steady economic growth driven by strategic partnerships and sustainable practices. Additionally, with a total electrification rate of 92.2% as of 2016, Belize is making strides towards ensuring that its development is inclusive and benefits all its citizens.


Belize, with its unique blend of natural beauty, diverse ecosystems, and vibrant culture, stands as a testament to the rich heritage and potential of Central America. As this nation continues to balance economic growth with environmental conservation, it serves as a model of sustainable development and cultural preservation. For those looking to explore the wonders of nature, immerse in a multilayered culture, or simply find a peaceful retreat, Belize offers an unparalleled experience in the heart of the Caribbean.

Country data

Country Code BH
Region Central America
Surface 22966 sq km
Land Surface 22806 sq km
Water Surface 160 sq km
Agricultural Surface 6.90%
Forest Surface 60.60%
Lowest Elevation Point Caribbean Sea 0 m
Highest Elevation Point Doyle’s Delight 1,124 m
GDP / capita $8,300 (2017 est.)