Exploring the Splendor of Bermuda

The picturesque archipelago of Bermuda, a gem in the North Atlantic Ocean, stands as a fusion of British colonial history and the tranquil beauty of subtropical nature. Situated east of South Carolina, this group of islands covers a surface area of 54 square kilometers, all of which is land since there are no inland water bodies or bordering countries due to its island nature. With a coastline that stretches over 103 kilometers, Bermuda is enveloped by the azure embrace of the Atlantic, offering breathtaking views and an inviting climate for visitors and residents alike.

Geography and Climate

Bermuda boasts a landscape adorned with low hills separated by fertile depressions, creating a terrain that is as diverse as it is beautiful. The highest point on the islands is Town Hill, reaching an elevation of 79 meters, providing splendid vistas of the surrounding maritime expanse. The islands’ subtropical climate ensures mild, humid weather year-round, though residents often prepare for gales and strong winds common in the winter months, a testament to the dynamic nature of Bermuda’s environment.

Natural Resources and Land Use

Limestone formations and a climate conducive to tourism are among Bermuda’s prime natural resources. This has fostered a thriving tourist industry, drawn to both the natural beauty and the warm, welcoming climate. Approximately 14.80% of the land is dedicated to agriculture, allowing for the cultivation of bananas, vegetables, citrus fruits, and flowers, alongside dairy products and honey production. Forests cover 20% of the land, contributing to the lush, green appearance that captivates visitors and supports local biodiversity.

Demographics and Culture

As of July 2020, Bermuda’s estimated population was 71,750, with a distribution that is relatively even across the islands. Bermudians, as the residents are known, predominantly speak English, reflecting the islands’ status as a British Overseas Territory. Remarkably, the urban population accounts for 100% of the total population, underscoring a modern lifestyle that still harmonizes with the islands’ natural attributes. Hamilton, the capital city, is not just the administrative heart but also a vibrant hub that showcases the Bermudian spirit through its culture, cuisine, and commerce.

Urban Life and Economy

Hamilton, with a population of approximately 10,000 as of 2018, is more than the political capital; it’s the lifeline of the islands. The economy of Bermuda is robust, supported by pillars such as international business, tourism, and light manufacturing. A noteworthy aspect of Bermuda’s economic landscape is its reliance on reexports of pharmaceuticals, alongside the importation of clothing, fuel, machinery, construction materials, chemicals, food, and live animals mainly from the US, South Korea, and Canada.

The GDP per capita in Bermuda was estimated at $99,400 in 2016, among the highest globally, evidencing the islands’ prosperous economy. Electrification reaches 100% of the population, indicating a well-developed infrastructure that supports both residential life and the burgeoning tourism sector. Bermuda’s major exports partners include Jamaica, Luxembourg, and the United States, showcasing a diverse and global reach in terms of trade relations.


Bermuda, with its enchanting blend of natural beauty, historical charm, and modern vitality, remains a unique destination and place of residence in the North Atlantic. The islands offer a respite from the hustle and bustle of mainland life, inviting all who visit to embrace the tranquility of its shores and the warmth of its people. As a place where the economy thrives alongside nature and tradition, Bermuda stands as a testament to balance — a sanctuary for both the body and soul in today’s fast-paced world.

Country data

Country Code BD
Region North America
Surface 54 sq km
Land Surface 54 sq km
Water Surface 0 sq km
Agricultural Surface 14.80%
Forest Surface 20.00%
Lowest Elevation Point n/a
Highest Elevation Point Town Hill 79 m
GDP / capita $99,400 (2016 est.)